
Webinar: Revolutionary changes to property tax since 2025


Czwartek, 5 Grudnia 2024


11:00 Europe/Warsaw

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*The joint controllers of your personal data are: TPA Sp. z o. o. Sp.k., TPA Management Sp. z o. o., Digital TPA Sp. z o. o. Sp.k., Baker Tilly Gajda Legal Sp.k., Baker Tilly TPA Sp. z o. o., Baker Tilly Hatylak Kielian Legal Sp.k. Your personal data will be processed, depending on your consent, for the purpose of sending online publications, sending newsletters, alerts, cooperation proposals and delivering invitations to industry events.

You have the right to request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing, as well as the right to object to the processing and submit a complaint to the supervisory authority. Find out more about how we process your personal data: https://www.tpa-group.pl/en/data-privacy-notice/.

The joint controllers jointly process personal data under the joint controllership agreement and the arrangements contained therein regarding the purposes, scope and methods of data processing. Find out more: https://www.tpa-group.pl/en/the-contents-of-the-arrangements-under-the-joint-data-control-agreement-in-the-group-of-enterprises/.